Evaporative Air Cooling System

Evaporative air cooling is a method of converting hot air into a cool breeze using the process of evaporating water. It is similar to the cool refreshing effect you feel when you immediately step out of a pool.

Evaporative Cooling Machines utilize the natural process of water evaporation along with an air-moving system to create effective cooling. Outside Ambient air is pulled through filters and it passes through the Cellulose Pads then it cool the air through water evaporation. A blower impeller circulates the cooled air throughout a department, Industrial Shed, Hall etc. by a suitable Ducting System.

It is a adiabatic process and works on the principal of heat conversion (sensible to latent.) Evaporative air cooling removes no BTU's from the air as with mechanical refrigeration, it simply converts the heat in the air stream into a form we cannot feel. Heat from the Incoming air passing through a wet media is used to evaporate the water lowering the "dry bulb" temperature. Evaporatively cooled air will follow the same line as the "wet bulb" on the psychrometric chart. The "dry bulb" temperature is measured by a standard thermometer. "Wet bulb" is the temperature reached using a wet wick thermometer at the same time the "dry bulb" is measured. The psychrometric chart also includes other useful information such as relative humidity and dew point levels.

The performance of Evaporative System deteriorates as the humidity level increases in atmosphere. Consequently, Evaporative Systems are not suitable for the humid and coastal regions. These systems are generally suitable for dry areas. The effectiveness of this system will be reduced during rainy seasons. At this time you can use this system as a Fresh Air Ventilation system.

Single Skin Air Cooling Machine

  • Single Blower
    Capacity Starts from 3000 CFM to 30000 CFM
  • Double Blower
    Capacity Starts from 15000 CFM to 60000 CFM

Double Skin Air Cooling Machine

  • Single Blower
    Capacity Starts from 3000 CFM to 30000 CFM
  • Double Blower
    Capacity Starts from 15000 CFM to 60000 CFM

Available Fan Models (All dimensions are in mm)

Sq. Feet
3000 CAFC - 330 400 X 400 25 6 DIDW Single Blower Machine
4500 CAFC - 380 470 X 470 30 9 -DO- Single Blower Machine
6000 CAFC - 450 560 X 560 35 12 -DO- Single Blower Machine
7500 CAFC - 500 630 X 630 35 15 -DO- Single Blower Machine
10000 CAFC - 560 715 X 175 40 20 -DO- Single Blower Machine
12500 CAFC - 630 800 X 800 40 25 -DO- Single Blower Machine
15000 CAFC - 710 898 X 898 50 30 -DO- Single & Double Blower Machine
20000 CAFC - 800 1007 X 1007 50 40 -DO- Single & Double Blower Machine
25000 CAFC - 900 1130 X 1130 60 50 -DO- Single & Double Blower Machine
30000 CAFC - 1000 1267 X 1267 60 60 -DO- Single & Double Blower Machine

Salient Features of Air Cooling Machine:-

  • Compact in shape and size
  • Heavy Duty Performance
  • Vibration Free Performance
  • Low noise level
  • Large Air Volumes available at 25, 40, 50 & 65 mm Static Pressure
  • Low Power Consumption/Low Maintenance
  • Easy in erection
  • No brick/RCC foundation or platform requirement.

Air Cooling M/C Direction is available in 4 directions:

  • Side discharge top horizontal
  • Side discharge bottom horizontal
  • Top vertical discharge
  • Bottom discharge


  1. Incase, the Air Cooling Machine is required with limit load blower instead of forward curved blower. This combination is also available with or without PP / FRP lining.
  2. We are also manufacturing a wide range of Spray type Air Washers with limit load blower as per Customer’s application / requirements.
  3. Above 30,000 CFM, all m/c are available with double blower.
  4. Imported Blowers like: Nicotra, Kruger & Comefry are also available.